A few words

About MCCOY's vision


Our framework for serving youth & families in Central Indiana

To carry out our mission of championing the positive development of youth through community and systems change, we must be able to communicate what positive development is for young people. As such, the LEARN, GROW, THRIVE framework was developed and adopted as our organization’s vision for the young people of Indiana as a way of defining what positive development is and how it can be accomplished, ushering in the next thirty years of positive youth development in Indiana.


MCCOY envisions a community where every young person has equitable opportunities to LEARN, GROW, and THRIVE.


For young people to LEARN, they need equitable access to opportunities for learning and social emotional development. Equitable education, quality youth programming, and safe communities provide these opportunities.


For young people to GROW, they need safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments, as well as positive experiences to build resiliency, resulting in better health and social outcomes.


For young people to THRIVE, they need equitable opportunities to be self-sufficient and empowered for civic and community engagement, resulting in stronger connection to themselves and others.