The Marion County Commission on Youth
Our mission is to champion the positive development of youth through community and systems change.
About us
Helping youth never doubt that they are Valuable & Powerful
MCCOY’s vision is a community where every young person has equitable opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive.
About our Youth Worker Well-Being Project
A healthy youth worker increases positive outcomes for our youth.
Youth benefit when youth workers are engaged, aware of the needs of youth and families, knowledgeable about best practices, and when they can cope effectively with stress.
The Youth Worker Well-Being Project is a collaborative statewide effort to address individual youth worker well-being, workplace conditions, and root causes of stress in the sector to promote meaningful change in youth workers and invest in their well-being so they can provide the highest quality services for Indiana youth.

Inspire innovation in community-school partnerships
This year’s MCCOY Closing the Gap Symposium will focus on developing innovative strategies to address challenges identified in original Closing the Gap report. Join us along with school administrators, support staff, and community partners to learn together about how we can have the courage to be creative in our partnerships. The Symposium will be held on Thursday, September 12 at the Indiana Landmarks Center.
We develop opportunities for Youth & Youth-Serving Individuals.
Show your support for youth & families

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